- @luisespinal haha. Maybe it was his sister. What bugs me is talk of nationalized healthcare with so many willingly unhealthy people. in reply to luisespinal #
- Middle-aged dude here at the gym, wearing a Krispy Kreme sweatshirt, doing the incline machine with 20 lbs. All-righty then! #
- Not too long ago, STDs were referred to as "Social Diseases". In the context of SM's viral spreading of memes like "Lolcats", that's… #
- That's exactly what I want right now; Shepherd's Pie. Now, where to get it on today of all days, while avoiding 1-day-a-year Irishmen. #FB #
If you’re an out-of-work construction guy picketing the the big corporate developer for unfairly hiring workers from another state instead of you and your crew; it’s probably not a good idea to be lazily standing around, leaning on your picket signs to such an extent that nobody can even read them.
Just sayin’…
- Working class guy, maybe cop, with 400lb wife gorging on tacos… His eyes darting around room defensively,angrily; must be true love. #